About Us

Established in 1958 Forbes Preschool has been a key provider of education for thousands of local children. Ever evolving to remain in line with the latest research and education – the play-based learning practices at Forbes Preschool are guided by the Principles of the National Quality Framework (Educational Program and Practice, Children’s Health and Safety, Physical Environment, Staffing Arrangements, Relationships with children, Collaborative Partnerships with Families, and Leadership and Service Management).

We offer inclusive, caring and nurturing environments to accommodate the needs of the children in our education and care. For them, its all about fun, love, laughter, friends, learning, exploring, excitement, creating and being nurtured by a dedicated team of professionals. What a beautiful way to start a life of independent education.

For our parents and families, the Preschool is an environment they can trust will provide the safest education and care possible for their children.
A place they can visit and feel a sense of belonging and pride.

Take a tour

For the community, Preschool reflects, accepts and engages with people and places of our community. The Preschool has strong partnerships with other local services and is passionate about meeting individual family needs. Preschool welcomes everyone, for their individuality, for their ideas and contributions.

Play-based learning provides a challenging environment which allows children to learn through hands on play. An environment that is natural and a reflection of the lives of our Preschool community. By offering a range of resources which includes traditional play experiences, symbolic, conventional and sensory play experiences and by providing long periods of uninterrupted play, children become engaged and develop skills while at play.

The staff employed at Forbes Preschool are from a range of backgrounds, ages and have a range of talents and interests. In providing a high staff: child ratio, we see a lot of spontaneous play and intentional teaching moments occurring simultaneously. As educators we believe in continual professional development and keeping up to date on current research. Our learning is evolving all the time through staff reflection, training and reading.

We believe it is important to encourage children to be lifelong learners. As children prepare for their transition to school, Forbes Preschool offers specialised programs to support their developing confidence, life skills and abilities.

 Our preschool is committed to the NSW Start Strong initiative:

The Start Strong Funding model aims to improve affordability of early education and increase the number of children participating in 600 hours in a quality early childhood education program. The State Government Start Strong Funding model guidelines require services to give priority of access to:

  • Children who are at least four years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and not yet in compulsory schooling

    • Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July and from a disadvantaged background (i.e. from a family holding a low-income Health Care Card and or/is Aboriginal)

  • Children with English as a second language

  • Children with disabilities

  • Children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective)

In 2025 all children will be enrolled for 2 days, in line with this model.

Forbes Preschool early learning, child with artwork

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